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Sega Saturn Эмулятор
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| 22.01.2008, 23:59 |
Two Hitachi SH2 32-bit RISC @ 28.6MHz
One Hitachi SH1 32-bit RISC
VDP 1 32-bit video display processor
VDP 2 32-bit video display processor
Saturn Control Unit (SCU)
Motorola 68EC000 sound processor
DSP sound processor
2 Megabytes (16 megabits) RAM
1.54 Megabytes (12 megabits) VRAM (Video RAM)
540 Kilobytes (4 megabits) Audio RAM
540 Kilobytes (4 megabits) CD-ROM Cache
VDP 1 32-bit video display processor
sprite, polygon, and geometry engine
dual 256KB frame buffers for rotation and scaling effects
Texture Mapping
Goraud Shading
512KB cache for textures
VDP 2 32-bit background and scroll plane video display processor
320 Kilobytes/Second Transfer Speed
background engine
5 simulataneous scrolling backgrounds
2 simultaneous rotating playfields
200,000 Texture Mapped Polygons/Second
500,000 Flat Shaded Polygons/Second
up to 60 frames per second animation
Категория: Эмуляторы | Добавил: Freak
Просмотров: 3972 | Загрузок: 646
| Комментарии: 3
| Рейтинг: 4.0/5 |
Всего комментариев: 1 | |
(02.12.2008 16:07)
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